Happy New Christ Year Song And Lyrics

Artist: Benoit Parent

Hey yo!


The world think it can get rid of God by teaching a science and forcing people to apostatize.


I have bad news for these people because the coming year is Christ's New Year. Yeah!


Here are my wishes Yo!


God, give drink to the apostates from the cup of your wrath and strengthen the righteous with your light.


Do not let your Holy Name be profaned by a science contrary to yours and with a powerful arm make yourself known to all the nations in the four corners of the earth.


I'm tired and sick of hearing scientists say that the Spirit is an emanation of the brain.


I'm sick and tired of hearing intelligent people laugh at your prophets and the history of your Glory.


Rejected the Jesus-Christ sacrifice is profanation. It's now paytime for all the nations.


I can already feel your anger and I carry it in my hearth like a permanent fire. The time of apostasy has come and what I feel will manifest itself and all humans on earth will see the purifying fire of your Glory on your Holy Day.


People spell your name beside christmas trees but for me i smoke up all these trees and spit out a sick flow.


I remove the smile on your face. I'm like a malediction.


You feel like everything going wrong. Yeah!

It's because you celebrate with smile on prophets deaths and drink bloods of the saints of Jesus-Christ.


Open your Bible and see. For the world at the end there's no happy ending.


I confirm that fact when i see the 10 kings compare who has the biggest rocket in his pants.


With all this bombs we are ready to see planet earth disappear and drop down in an ocean of fire.


If you prefer hiding your head in the sand i don't mind because when everything disappear there is no head and no sand but only One Spirit.


We can't hide on things we see when there's are nothing to see.


It's time for Holy Holy Angry!

The earth is shaking and sound like jingle bell belly belly!


God is angry and hungry to put an end to all insanity.


Spirit is Holy and forcing him to retain lies is blasphematory.


Future not gonna be happy happy but for all the saints that's gonna be a glory to celebrate Spirit for eternity.




This one is for Jesus-Christ.


Happy New Year folks!


God bless is child's.




--End of the lyrics--


The Resounding Trumpet

Artist: Fabrice Baty


Third Thunderclap Song and Lyrics

Artist: Benoit Parent

In the sixth century before Christ four masters arose in the world. In Babel city west of the Indus River appear Joshua and Zerubbabel. East of the Indus River appear Lao Tzu in China and Gautama Buddha in India. 


Four masters who worship and speak of the same God : The One Spirit.


Now listen to what they have to say :


I call Spirit Only the abolition of all views.


The Spirit is not the source of error ; error comes from habit and resistance.


Renounce study and you'll be free of sorrows.


Renounce wisdom, leave prudence and the people will be a hundred times happier.


Renounce humanity, leave justice behind and the people will return to filial piety and paternal affection.


When prudence and perspicacity were shown, a great hypocrisy was born.


It was when the states fell into disorder that we saw loyal and devoted subjects.


The joy of children lies in their innocence.


The scourge of adults lies in their prudence.


By not exalting the wise, we prevent the people from argouing.


By not wanting to take hard-to-acquire goods, we prevent people from indulging in theft.


By not looking at objects likely to excite desires, we prevent the people hearts from being troubled.


There are 3 poison in the mind : Desire, Anger and Ignorance.


It is the Spirit that give life, the flesh is useless. The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life.


God is Spirit and those who worship must worship in Spirit and truth.


To run ardently after your desires is to lose your life. To do nothing is to find it.


Just as one administers medicine for each particular illness, so do Buddhas tell people Spirit Only.


Having attained Spirit Alone one will not imagine an external object focused on verity one will transcend Spirit Alone.


Get rid of all desire and the people will return to simplicity on their own.


Righteousness governs the kingdom. With cunning we wage war but by doing nothing you become master of the empire.


Love tranquility and the people will rectify themselves.


Abstain from all occupation and the people will enrich themselves.


Free yourself from all desire and the people will return to simplicity.


The weak triumph over the strong.


What is soft triumphs over what is hard.


Most people in the world know this truth but no one can put it into practice.


That's why he who endures shames become ruler of the kingdom.


But he who endures calamity become king of the empire.


In all truth I tell you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born through water and the Spirit.


What is born of human nature is human.


What is born of the Spirit is spirit.


Of all the things in the world there is none so soft and weak as water and yet to break what is hard and strong, nothing can prevail over it!


Yeah! This is the Third Thunderclap!


--End of the lyrics--


Exit Samsara

Artist: Fabrice Baty


Child of God Song and Lyrics

Artist: Benoit Parent

Child of God look ahead I'm your little voice!


I'm talking to you, wake up! 


I'm your little voice!


I'm your Spirit


I know you're sad


You look for me


You look for me


But I've always be there


I'm your Spirit


Don't be sad, don't be sad


I'm your Spirit


I'm the way, the life


I'm your Spirit


Forget your age, your occupation


Forget your life and your passions


Forget everything and follow me


Listen to me and follow me


I'm not difficult to see


Forget what you see and be like blowing air flying over the sea


Me and you


You and me


We are the same


In paradise there's nothing to blame. There is no shame.


There's only One


One Spirit


Follow me


Follow me


You will see


Child of God


You will see


Jumping over clouds. Be fast like sound. Walking on the sea like walking on the ground


Child of God hear my sound


Only One Spirit nothing else to found


If you find something else it's because you bound


And this is why i'm singing that song. Deliver yourself of what you belong. For seing clearly what Reality belong


Flying sky high like an eagle in the sky. Seing everything without getting out of the night. Following the light is like an empty mind. That's the definition of One Spirit sight


And that's the way who walk with Jesus-Christ


Don't be sad child follow the light. Be confident it's faith of One Spirit sight


Everything by Spirit light. I spit starshower in the upper of the sky. This is what you see when i'm singing on the mic


Amazing star shining bright in the sky. Like Luke Skywalker chasing Dark Vador in the night


I'm so High blessing by light


I will put end to darkness with the mic and give hope to people like sunshine in the sky


Child of God listen to my vibes. Follow my lines. I'll bring you back down to paradise. Break the ropes that maintain you in the lies. Follow me i'm the guide. I will not let you alone in backsight


I show you the Reality insight. You have just to walk the exit sight. Be confident Child of the light


Spirit is the light


It's like walking down on a rope. Don't go to the left to the right. Stay focus right in the middle. Forget about what is behind. Dont look at bottom you gonna drop down and be squeesh like a fly


It's better staying alive because God dont take pleasure playing dice with your lives


Child of God. Reality not difficult to see. It's like finding your head. Not far to see. Between you and me no difference to see. Because separation give you bad idea of Reality


Dont be abuse by sharks in the sea. Because philosophy kill true nature of humanity


Give you life to be free. Deny it is rejection of his hospitality. It's giving chance to demons insanity and offer the whole world to apostasy


Child of God dont be silly and return like Spirit. Because One Spirit is Reality. It's the way to set you free


It's difficult to hear because demons always give you something nice to see. Me i give you something hard to hear and very good to see


Like a babyborn after mother suffering, smile is nice to see. So, setting you free is nice to see. That make both of us happy and free


Listen Child of God it's not that difficult to hear because you have no responsability to bear


Just stay in my arms and hear my voice while I bear all suffering




For the love of Jesus-Christ




God bless you Child of God!


--End of the lyrics--



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